1st Year MBBS- Food and Nutrition-1

Proximal principle of food

Definition: are defined as the number of nutrient present in the diet to maintain optimal growth of an organism.

Nutrition: Nutrition is a science that relates food with health.

Nutrient: It is an essential chemical substances present in the diet required for optimal growth and maintenance of the health of an organism.

Fiber: Fibers are a non-digestive, non-caloric, fraction of carbohydrate present in the diet. Example: Cellulose, pectin, agar, etc.

Trace element: Trace elements are micronutrients required in diet < 100mirogram /day. Example:
3C: Copper, Cobalt, Chromium
2M: Manganese, Molybdenum
2I: Iodine, Iron
Selenium, Fluoride, Zinc.

About CHO
1.   Total energy in Kcal/day is 50-65% CHO
2.   Complex: starch variety
3.   Ready sugar must be avoided.
4.   Spares fat and protein
5.   One fraction of CHO should be fiber.
About Protein
1.   Daily requirement: Adult: 1g/kgbw.Baby: 1.5-2g/kgbw.
2.   Reference protein: Milk and Egg.
3.   1st class protein: Red meat, Fish meat (all animal protein except hemoglobin & scleroprotein), complimentary vegetable protein + Soya protein. Biological value: 85-91%
4.   2nd class protein: All vegetable protein+ hemoglobin & scleroprotein. Biological value:<85%

About Fat
1.   Three essential fatty acid; linoleic acid, linolenic acid, arachidonic acid.
2.   Source: Fish fat, seed oil, Corn oil.

Function of major minerals
1.   Maintain osmolality of blood
2.   Acts as buffer
3.   Give ion in the body, responsible for action potential, resting membrane potential

Function of water
1.   Water is 60% of body weight.
2.   All chemical reaction occur in a watery medium
3.   Water is required for universal solvent in the body for carrying nutrient, waste product and electrolyte.
4.   Maintain osmolality and body temperature
5.   Helps in the disposal of waste products.
Function of fiber
1.   It reduces CHO intake in the diet.
2.   It gives satiety.
3.   It binds with bile salts to prevent digestion and absorption of lipids.
4.   It binds with salt in large intestine & increases osmotic pressure in the colon & it laxes the composition of stool & helps in easy evacuation. Thus it prevents the development of fiber and fissure.
5.   Binds with bad hydrocarbon, thus prevent colonic cancer.


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