Serum Erythropoietin Level in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients with Anemia: A Baseline Study at Chittagong Medical College, Chittagong, Bangladesh

Abstract: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a serious condition associated with premature mortality, decreased quality of life, and increased health-care expenditures. A failure to produce sufficient Erythropoietin (EPO) accounts for the moderate to severe anemia observed in chronic kidney disease. Decreased EPO production is attributed to the destruction of renal production sites. A cross-sectional descriptive study was designed for the determination of erythropoietin levels in chronic kidney disease patients with anemia. At the same time measurement of serum iron and serum ferritin to establish anemia. The serum concentration of erythropoietin was the parameter taken to evaluate the kidney status. This study was carried out in the Nephrology ward, Chittagong Medical College Hospital (CMCH), Chittagong, Bangladesh during the period of January 2012 to December 2012. Total Sixty Patients having hemoglobin level < 11 gm/dl and serum creatinine > 3 mg/dl taken as a case of chronic kidney disease with anemia. Mean Hemoglobin level found 8.67gm/dl [± 1.39SD(standard deviation), Serum creatinine level found 8.21 mg/dl (±3.25 SD), Serum erythropoietin level found 2.67 Miu (mili international unit)/ml (± 2.36 SD), Serum iron level found 13.78 µg/dl (±2.58 SD). Serum ferritin level found 73.35ng/mL (± 26.81SD). It is also observed that Pearson’s correlation coefficient (r) between erythropoietin and hemoglobin is – 0.190 (r=0.036, p value=0.145), which is not significant. Correlation coefficient between erythropoietin and creatinine is – 0.082 (r=0.007 p-value = 0.532), which is not significant. The correlation coefficient between erythropoietin and iron is 0.021 (r=4.549, p-value =0.872), which is not significant but shows a weakly positive correlation. The correlation coefficient between erythropoietin and ferritin is 0.005 (r=2.723 p value=0.968) which is not significant but also shows weakly positive correlation. Further reading click here


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