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Food and Nutrition continuation

Vitamin B 1 (Thiamin pyrophosphate) 1. Antiberiberi factor: 1926 2. Absorption site: Jejunum/ileum 3. Biological half-life: 10-20 days. 4. Limited tissue storage so continuous supplementation is required. 5. Acts as oxidative carboxylase 6. Acts as co-enzyme with transketolase enzyme in HP shunt. 7. Cofactor for enzymes in arachidonic acid and CHO metabolism. Dietary source : Yeast, legumes, rice, cereals, etc. RDA : 1.2- 1.5 mg/day Deficiency: 1.Beriberi 2.Wernicke- Korsakoff syndrome Beriberi: Dry & Wet. Dry beriberi: Peripheral neuropathy of extremities. Wet beriberi: due to heart failure—cardiomegaly, cardiomyopathy, tachycardia, pitting peripheral edema. Wernicke encephalopathy : Chronic alcoholic, horizontal nystagmus, ophthalmoplegia, gait ataxia, confusion. Korsakoff psychosis: recent memory loss. Vitamin B12 1. Stored in the body as a flavoprotein 2. Poorly soluble in water. Function: FMN & FAD act as coenzyme. Source: M

1st Year MBBS -Food and nutrition (Cont. from previous)

Body Mass Index (BMI) Weight in Kg Height in sq.M 1.    Normal : 18.5-24.9 2.    Overweight: >25-30 3.    Obese: >30-40 4.    Grossly obese: >40 5.    Ideal: 22-23.5 Balanced diet : The approximation of all proximate principles of food proportionately is called a balanced diet. 1.    Contain sufficient energy. 2.    Protein: One-third 1 st class protein 3.    Fat: One third fat 4.    Energy: 50-60% CHO, 20-30% fat. Lipid Profile 1.    Cholesterol: < 200 mg/dl 2.    HDL: >40 mg/dl 3.    LDL: <100 mg/dl 4.    TG : <150 mg/dl Calculation of total energy equivalents Following steps are necessary: 1.    Determine the IBW (ideal body weight). 2.    Calculation of REE(Resting energy equivalent) 3.    Substrate 0.1 kcal/kg/hr x IBW x sleeping hour. 4.    Add activity increment: 30% REE for sedentary,50% for lightworkers, 75% for moderate workers & 100% for heavy workers 5.    Add thermic effect of food, 10% of

1st Year MBBS- Food and Nutrition-1

Proximal principle of food Definition: are defined as the number of nutrient present in the diet to maintain optimal growth of an organism. Nutrition: Nutrition is a science that relates food with health. Nutrient: It is an essential chemical substances present in the diet required for optimal growth and maintenance of the health of an organism. Fiber: Fibers are a non-digestive, non-caloric, fraction of carbohydrate present in the diet. Example: Cellulose, pectin, agar, etc. Trace element: Trace elements are micronutrients required in diet < 100mirogram /day. Example: 3C: Copper, Cobalt, Chromium 2M: Manganese, Molybdenum 2I: Iodine, Iron Selenium, Fluoride, Zinc. About CHO 1.    Total energy in Kcal/day is 50-65% CHO 2.    Complex: starch variety 3.    Ready sugar must be avoided. 4.    Spares fat and protein 5.    One fraction of CHO should be fiber. About Protein 1.    Daily requirement: Adult: 1g/kgbw.Baby: 1.5-2g/kgbw. 2.   

1st Year MBBS- Solution

Solution A solution may be defined as a homogenous mixture consisting of two or more substances in different proportions forming a single phase depending upon temperature and pressure. Example: Solution of sugar or salt in water. Components of the solution: A solution consists of two parts- a) Solvent and b) Solute. Solvent : The substance which has the capability to disperse another substance in solution and has the same physical state as that of the resultant solution is called the solvent. Example: Water. Solute : A solute is the substance that dissolves in the solvent and loses its physical state to form a solution. Example: Sugar, NaCl. Classification On the basis of their characteristics: a)       Qualitative b) Quantitative On the basis of their physical appearance: a) Saturated b) Unsaturated c) Supersaturated. 3.On the basis of their permeability through cell membrane: a) Crystalloidal b) Colloidal. 4.On the basis of their concentration: Perc